Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Why Bangladesh Ranked 155 in E-governance

Brown University's seventh annual analysis (which was published on July 24, 2007) of international e-government finds that many nations are improving services and providing information for users. The United States ranks fourth, behind South Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan.
Global e-Government: 198 Countries Ranked
Seventh Global e-Government Study-Bangladesh now ranked 155 from 86 (last year rank)
It shows where we Bangladesh, out of 198 Countries Ranked Bangladesh now 155 The researchers evaluated government Web sites based on two dozen criteria, including disability access, the existence of publications and databases, the presence of privacy policies, security policies, contact information, and the number of online services. Studies of global e-government have been released annually since 2001. This year's study reviews 1,687 government Web sites in 198 countries during June and July 2007. A variety of different sites were analyzed, including executive, legislative and judicial offices as well as departments and ministries of the government such as health, education, foreign affairs, interior, finance, natural resources, foreign investment, transportation, military, tourism and telecommunication. Bangladeshi web developers and IT companies who developed Bangladeshi e-Government web sites should pay attention to these criteria "disability access, the existence of publications and databases, the presence of privacy policies, security policies, contact information, and the number of online services, PDA access, user fees, and foreign language translation" to improve Bangladeshi e-government web sites. India now ranked 47 from 77, Nepal ranked 106 from 60, Pakistan ranked 135 from 72 , even Bhutan ranked 30 from 39. We all need to learn from Bhutan. Just a reminder to our Bangladeshi ICT Policy makers think of The need for ICT in Bangladesh
ICT plays an indispensable role in promoting openness, accessibility, accountability, connectivity, democracy and decentralization- all the "soft" qualities so essential for effective social, economic, and political development.
E-Government Rankings by Country, 2004 - Bangladesh 74th rank The full report is available at the press release below: